Juncus patens 'Elk Blue'
Elk Blue California Rush
This hybrid CA native is found in wet and marshy areas. It grows to 2'-3' tall with long, thin, graceful, arching foliage. This evergreen perennial has light brown flowers blooming in spring through fall. The flowers are considered insignificant. It can tolerate full sun to light shade.It can become drought tolerant once it's established. Blue gray foliage is very attractive; birds love this plant too.
Full, Half
Low, Extra in Summer
Growth Rate
Soil Type
Sandy, Clay, Loam
Soil Condition
Average, Rich, Moist, Dry
Soil pH
Adverse Factors
Make sure ponds and water features aren't leaking, splash out is minimized, and water for streams and waterfalls is recirculated.
Keeping water surface areas small and partially shaded will also reduce evaporation.