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Juniperus procumbens

Japanese Garden Juniper

Plant photo of: Juniperus procumbens
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Information by: Jerry Sortomme        Photographer: Gordon Courtright



This groundcover-small shrub will reach 3' tall with a 4'-5' spread. It has small, blue-green, evergreen leaves. This dependable conifer is used for bonsai. It prefers full to part sun with occasional watering once it's established. It can also be used for topiaries.



Full, Half, Shade


Very Low, Low

Growth Rate


Soil Type

Sandy, Clay, Loam, Rocky, Unparticular

Soil Condition

Average, Poor

Soil pH

Neutral, Basic

Adverse Factors


Water Saving Tip:

Make sure ponds and water features aren't leaking, splash out is minimized, and water for streams and waterfalls is recirculated.

Keeping water surface areas small and partially shaded will also reduce evaporation.