Crinodonna corsii
Hybrid Naked Lady
This evergreen bulb is the result of the intergeneric cross of Crinum moorei and Amaryllis belladonna. It has wide, strap-shaped leaves that grow up to 2' long and softly scented. It has rose-pink flowers early summer into fall. Plant in full sun to partial shade and provide moderate irrigation. It is evergreen to 25 degrees F and cold hardy to 10 degrees F.
Full, Half
Low, Medium
Growth Rate
Soil Type
Sandy, Clay, Loam, Rocky, Unparticular
Soil Condition
Average, Poor, Well-drained
Soil pH
Adverse Factors
Adjust your irrigation controller frequently as weather changes. Plants need much less water in spring and fall than during mid-summer.
Call the Lawn Watering Infoline at 541-774-2460 for up-to-date sprinkling times.