Helpful Plant Lists
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Watering Guide
Spring Interest
Acanthus, Bear's Breech
Akebono Flowering Cherry
Allgold Warminster Broom
American or African Marigold
American Sycamore or Buttonwood
Anah Kruschke' Rhododendron
Anchor Bay Creeping Ceanothus
Angelique Peony Flw.Tulip
Anise Magnolia
Ann Folkard Purple Cranesbill
Annabel Sunrose
Annual African Daisy, Cape Marigold
Annual Sweet Pea
Anthea Yarrow
Anthony Waterer Pink Spirea
Apple Blossom Moss Phlox
Apple Blossom Penstemon
Apple Golden Delicious
Apple, edible
Apricot Mallow
Arabian Lilac
Aristocrat Pear
Arizona Cypress
ArizonaCoral Bells
Arnold Crabapple
Arp Rosemary
Arroyo Grande Lilac
Asian Geum
Atlas Cedar
Australian Fuchsia
Azalea Coral Bells
Azalea Purple splendor
Azalea Red Bird
Azalea Sherwood Orchid
Azalea Sherwood Red
Bahia Daylily
Banana or Blue Yucca, Datil
Basket of Gold, Goldentuft
Beach or Cucumber-Leaf Sunflower
Beach Strawberry, Sand Strawberry
Beacon Silver Spotted Nettle
Bear's-Foot Hellebore
Bearded Iris
Beauty Bush
Beavertail Prickly Pear Cactus
Bermuda Buttercup, Sour Grass
Biokovo Ground Cover Cranesbill
Bitsy Daylily
Bitsy Yellow Daylily
Black Beauty Elder
Black Lace Elder
Black Locust
Black-Eyed Stella Daylily
Bladder Campion
Blanche White Rockrose
Bloodgood Japanese Maple
Blue Atlas Cedar
Blue Blossom Ceanothus
Blue Clematis
Blue Clematis
Blue Diamond Rhododendron
Blue Elderberry
Blue Fescue, Blue Fescue Grass
Blue Flax, Prairie Flower
Blue Fountain Delphinium
Blue Lily Turf
Blue Moon Hybrid Tea Rose
Blue Oak
Blue Oat Grass
Blue Rug Juniper
Blue Spire Russian Sage
Blue Star Creeper, Isotoma
Blue-Eyed Grass
Border Penstemon
Box Elder
Box Honeysuckle
Bradford Callery Pear
Bressingham Ruby Heartleaf
Bressinghan Coral Bells
Bridal Wreath
Brookside Cranesbill
Bugle Flower, Carpet Bugle
Burkwood Viburnum
Bush Anemone
Bush Cinquefoil
Bush Germander
Bush Morning Glory
Bush Poppy
Bush Spurge
Calendula, Pot Marigold
California Bay , Oregon Myrtle
California Beach Poppy
California Black Oak
California Buckeye
California Buckeye
California Buckwheat
California Fescue
California Glory Flannel Bush
California Gray Rush
California Pink Island Yarrow
California Poppy, Golden Poppy
California Sycamore
California Wild Grape
Canterbury Bells, Cup-And-Saucer
Canyon Delight Coral Bells
Carmel Creeper
Carmel Sur Manzanita
Carnation, Clove Pink
Carolina Allspice, Pineapple Shrub
Carolina Laurel Cherry
Carriere or Lavalle Hawthorn
Cast Iron Plant
Castlewellan Golden Cypress
Catalina Cherry
Ceasar's Brother Siberian Iris
Cecile Brunner Rose (polyantha)
Centennial Mountain Lilac
Chamomile, Roman Chamomile
Chanticleer Callery Pear
Chartreuse Euphorbia
Cherry Elaeagnus, Gumi
Chinese Corydalis
Chinese Fringe Flower
Chinese Holly or Holly Grape
Chinese Lilac
Chinese Pieris
Chinese Redbud
Chinese Wisteria
Clematis, large-flowered hybrids
Climbing Hybrid Tea Rose
Climbing Hydrangea
Cloth of Gold Yarrow
Coast Redwood, Redwood
Cockspur Hawthorn
Columbine Meadow Rue
Columbine Nora Barlow
Columbine Selection
Columbine, Mc Kana Giant
Commom Aubrieta
Common Bleeding Heart
Common Foxglove
Common Garden Canna
Common Garden Petunia cv.
Common Garden Petunia cv.
Common Garden Petunia cv.
Common Garden Petunia cv.
Common Garden Petunia cv.
Common Goldenchain
Common Horsechestnut
Common Lilac
Common Manzanita
Common Pansy
Common Snowball
Common Zinnia
Compact Bush Anemone
Compact Bush Germander
CompactLaurel Cherry
Concha California Lilac
Cooke's Purple Chinese Wisteria
Coral Honeysuckle
Cornflower, Bachelor's Button
Corsican Hellebore
Corsican Hellebore
Cream Bush, Ocean Spray
Creeping Black Sage
Creeping Jennie, Moneywort
Creeping Mahonia
Creeping White Cranesbill
Crimson Pygmy Japanese Barberry
Crimson Queen Japanese Maple
Cushion Sageleaf Rockrose
Cusick Camass
Daffodil, Trumpet Narcissus
Dark Star Ceanothus
David viburnum
Dawn Redwood, Water Fir
Dbl. White Lady Banks' Rose
Dead Nettle, Spotted Nettle
Deer Grass
Deodar Cedar
Dorset Golden Apple
Double Flower Mock Orange
Doublefile Viburnum tree form)
Douglas Iris
Dove Tree, Hankerchief Tree
Dr. Hurd Tree Manzanita
Drooping Leucothoe, Dog-Hobble
Dwarf Basket of Gold, Golden-Tuft
Dwarf Basket-of-Gold
Dwarf Blue Lily of the Nile
Dwarf Compact Heavenly Bamboo
Dwarf Crested Iris
Dwarf European Cranberry Bush
Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper
Dwarf Jerusalem Sage
Dwarf Leopard's Bane
Dwarf Oregon Grape
Dwarf Silver Eulalia Grass
Dwarf Strawberry Tree
Eastern Redbud
Eastern Redbud
Elfin Creeping Thyme
Elk Blue California Rush
Emerald Gaiety Euonymus
Endress' Cranesbill
English Hawthorn Paul's Scarlet
English Laurel, Cherry Laurel
Erodium selections
European Mountain Ash
Evergreen Candytuft
Evergreen Clematis
Farewell-To-Spring, Godetia
February Daphne
Feltleaf Ceanothus, Catalina Is. Ce
Fiery Cascade Pyracantha
Fingerleaf Rodgersia
Firebird Border Penstemon (red)
Firecracker Penstemon
First Prize Hybrid Tea Rose
Fiveleaf Akebia
Flamingo Box Elder
Flanders Poppy
Florists' Cyclamen
Flowering or Eastern Dogwood
Foothill Penstemon
Forest Frost Fringe Cups
Fountain Grass
Fragrant Sarcococca or Sweet Box
Fragrant Winter Hazel
Fraser Photinia
Fringe Cups
Frosty Blue Wild Lilac
Garden Hydrangea
Garden or Common Geranium
Garden or Common Hyacinth
Garden Stock
Garden Zinnia
Gardenia, Cape-Jasmine
Gentian Plume Wild Lilac
Giant Wild Rye
Gingerbread Man Daylily
Glore de Versailles Ceanothus
Gloriosa or Soft-Tip Yucca, Spanish
Glossy Abelia
Glossy Abelia
Glossy Privet, White Wax Tree
Gold Flame Spirea
Gold Flower
Gold Standard Hosta
Gold Sunset Breath Of Heaven
Golden Abundance Mahonia
Golden Abundance Oregon Grape
Golden Box Honeysuckle
Golden Breath Of Heaven
Golden Columbine
Golden Creeping Jenny, Moneywort
Golden Currant
Golden European Elder
Gomer Waterer Rhododendron
Graber Pyracantha
Grace Ward Lithodora
Gray Lavender Cotton
Great Expectations Hosta
Grecian Mullein
Grecian Windflower
Ground Cover Potentilla
Ground Morning Glory, Morocco Glory
Hall's Japanese Honeysuckle
Hall's Japanese Honeysuckle
Hardy Gloxinia
Heartleaf Bergenia, Winter Bergenia
Heavenly Bamboo Dwarf Compact
Heidi Yarrow
Helene von Stein Big Lamb's Ear
Heliotrope Black Beauty
Hidcote English Lavender
Hollyleaf or Islay Cherry
Humboldt Lily
Hybrid Flowering Plum
Hybrid Forsythia
Hybrid Helleborus or Hellebore
Hybrid Tea Rose (selections)
Iceland Poppy
Idaho Magenta Locust
Incense Cedar
Indian Plum, Oso Berry
Interior Live Oak
Irene Rosemary
Iris PCH 'Canyon Snow'
Iron Cross Begonia
Island Bush Poppy
Ivy Geranium
Japanese Aralia
Japanese Black Pine
Japanese Boxwood
Japanese Cleyera
Japanese Cushion Cryptomeria
Japanese Deutzia
Japanese Double Kerria, Kerrybush
Japanese Garden Juniper
Japanese Kerria
Japanese Maple
Japanese or Box-Leaved Holly
Japanese or Oriental Persimmon
Japanese or Wax -Leaf Privet
Japanese Skimmia
Japanese Snowbell, Japanese Snowdro
Japanese Spurge
Joan Senior Daylily
Johnny Jump Up
Johnson's Blue Cranesbill
Joyce Coulter California Lilac
Julia Phelps California Lilac
Kasan Pyracantha or Firethorn
Ken Hartman Barberry
Ken Taylor Cushion Fremontia
Ken Taylor Trailing Rosemary
Korean Spice Viburnum
Kousa or Japanese Dogwood
Kramer's Supreme Shade Camellia
Krauter Vesuvius Flowering Plum
Kwanzan Flowering Japanese Cherry
Lacecap Hydrangea
Lady Elizabeth Daylily
Lady Lucille Daylily
Lalandei Pyracantha
Lamb Spurge
Lamb's Ear
Lance Coreopsis
Laurestinus Viburnum
Lavender Blizzard Ivy Geranium
Lavender Pink Japanese Wisteria
Lavender White Garden Petunia
Lee Bea Orange Crush Daylily
Lenten Rose
Leopard's Bane
Leyland Cypress
Lily of the Nile
Lily of the Nile hybrids
Lily of the Valley Shrub
Lindheimer's Muhly Grass
Little Bobo Daylily
Little Gem Evergreen Candytuft
Little Gem Gardenia
Little Olga Rhododendron
London Plane Tree
Louis Edmunds California Lilac
Louisiana Iris
Lowfast Bearberry Cotoneaster
Lullaby Baby Daylily
Luna Double White Ivy Geranium
Luykens Laurel
Maidenhair Tree, Ginkgo Tree
Majorica Pink Rosemary
Maki Podocarpus, Shrubby Yew
Margarita Bop Foothill Penstemon
Massachusetts Uva-Ursi Manzanita
Master Magician Daylily
Meadow Cranesbill
Mediterranean Fan Palm
Mediterrianean White Heath
Meeting Daffodil
Mendocino Reed Grass
Merck Dahlia
Mexican Evening Primrose
Mexican Feather Grass
Mexican Golden Poppy
Mexican Orange, Mex. Mock Orange
Midnight Penstemon (dark purple)
Miniature Or Trailing Jasmine
Mistrial Daffodil
Monkey Flower
Mountain Garland, Clarkia
Mountain Laurel, Calico Bush
Mountain Pennyroyal
Mrs. Beard Creeping Sage
Mt. Fuji Flowering Cherry
Mugho Pine
Munstead Dwarf Lavender
Nandina, Heavenly Bamboo
Nelly Moser Bicolor Clematis
New Hampshire Magenta Cranesbill
Oakleaf Hydrangea
Oklahoma Redbud
Orange Alstroemeria
Orange Crush Daylily
Orange King Daylily
Orange Sedge
Orchid or Purple Rockrose
Oregano, Wild Marjoram
Oregold Hybrid Tea Rose
Oregon Ash
Oregon Grape
Oriental Poppy
Ornamental Onion
Owlswood Blue Ceanothus
Pacific Coast Irises
Pacific Sunset Flannel Bush
Painted Daisy, Pyrethrum
Pajaro Manzanita
Pandora's Box Daylily
Parsons Canterbury Bells
Pascalli Hybrid Tea Rose
Peace Hybrid Tea Rose
Peegee Hydrangea
Peony, Herbaceous & Tree
Perennial Blanket Flower
Peruvian Lily, Alstroemeria
Petunia Tidal Wave Silver
Pincushion Flower
Pineapple Guava, Feijoa
Pink Anemone Clematis, Rubens
Pink Breath Of Heaven
Pink Coral Rockrose
Pink Flowering Chitalpa
Pink Flowering Dogwood
Pink Gaura
Pink Jasmine
Pink Locust Hybrid
Pink Mexican Evening Primrose
Pink Panda Strawberry
Pink Peace Hybrid Tea
Pink Yarrow
PJM Rhododendron
Point Reyes Creeper
Pojo Daylily
Poppy-Flowered Anemone
Powis Castle Artemisia
Prairie or Sand Penstemon
Prairie Verbena, Sandpaper V.
Primrose Heron Lamb's Ears
Primrose Jasmine
Privet Honeysuckle
Profusion Series Commom Zinnia
Prostrate Rosemary
Provence Blue Lavandin
Pumpkin Monkey Flower
Purple Carpet Creeping Thyme
Purple Japanese Honeysuckle
Purple Pacific Coast Iris
Purple Robe Locust
Purple Rockrose
Purple Showers Viola, Tuffed Pansy
Purple-Leaf Acacia
Purple-Leaf Plum
Radiant Crabapple
Radiant Manzanita
Rainbow Leucothoe or Fetterbush
Ranunculus, improved
Ray Hartman California Lilac
Razzleberry Red Fringe Flower
Red Barrenwort
Red Bleeding Heart
Red Clusterberry Cotoneaster
Red Flowering Currant
Red Flowering Flax
Red Horsechestnut
Red Leaf Fringe Flower
Red Monkey Flower
Red Peter Pan Zinnia
Red Tip Box Honeysuckle
Red-Leaf Japanese Barberry
Redtwig or Red-Osier, Creek Dogwood
Redvein Enkianthus
Redwood Sorrel, Oregon Oxalis
Rock Cotoneaster
Rocky Mountain Penstemon
Roger's Red Wild Grape
Rojo Alto Daylily
Rose Cherub Daylily
Rose Glow Barberry
Royal Beard Tongue
Royal Burgundy Barberry
Royal Star Magnolia
Rozanne Cranesbil
Ruby Flower Red Horsechestnut
Sageleaf Rockrose
Salal, Lemon Leaves
Saltillo Evening Primrose
Santa Ana Cardinal Coral Bells
Sarabande Silver Grass
Saratoga Ginkgo Tree
Saucer Magnolia
Scandia Juniper
Scarlet Bugler
Scarlet Pyracantha
Sea Pink, Common Thrift
Shalina Japanese Maple
Shasta Daisy
Shindeshojo Japanese Maple
Shirley, Field or Flanders Poppy
Shishigashira Japanese Maple
Siberian Iris
Siberian Wallflower
Sideoats Grama
Sikes Dwarf Oakleaf Hydrangea
Silky Leaf Woodwaxen
Silver Bush Lupine
Silver Edge Lavender
Silver Maple, Soft or White Maple
Silver Sage
Silver Wormwood
Slender Deutzia
Snowdrift Crabapple
Snowdrop Tree, Carolina Silverbell
Snowmound Nippon Spiraea
Southern Pink Flowering Currant
Spanish Bayonet
Spanish Lavender
Spathe Leaved Sedum
Spice Bush
Spreading Willowleaf Cotoneaster
Spring Bouquet Laurustinus
Spring Glory Forsythia
Spring or Snow Heather
Squawbush, Skunkbush, Three Leaf Su
Star Magnolia
Sticky Monkey Flower
Stratavarus Daffodil
Sue Booth Daylily
Sulfur Flower
Sulfur Flower Buckwheat
Summer Lilac
Summer Snow Hybrid Tea
Sun Rose
Sunset Bush Manzanita
Sweet Bay, Grecian Laurel
Sweet Broom, Florists' Broom
Sweet Mock Orange
Sweet Violet, English Violet
Sweet William
Swiss Mountain Mugho Pine
Tanyosho Pine
Tatarian Honeysuckle
Tawny Gold Forsythia
Tea Crabapple, Hillier
Tequila Sunrise Sage
Terra Cotta Baby Daylily
Texas Violet Mealycup Sage
Thunberg Spiraea
Thundercloud Purple Leaf Plum
Tiffany Hybrid Tea Rose
Tiger Spurge
Tiny Pumpkin Daylily
Tiny Towers Italian Cypress
Tolleson's Weeping Juniper
Tom Thumb Dwarf Flax
Toro or Uncle Joe Hybrid Tea Rose
Trailing Germander
Tricolor Dragon's Blood Sedum
Tricolor Mountain Flax
Tropicana Canna Lily
Tropicana Hybrid Tea Rose
Tulip Tree
Tuscan Blue Upright Rosemary
Tussock Bellflower
Unique Rhododendron
Upright Bugleweed
Upright European Hornbeam
Upright Maiden Grass
Valley Oak, Calif. White Oak, Roble
Variegated Garden Hydrangea
Variegated Gloriosa Yucca
Variegated Japanese Sedge
Variegated Japanese Silver Grass
Variegated Lily of the Valley
Variegated Ribbon Grass
Variegated Tatarian Dogwood
Variegated Weigela
Variegated Winter Daphne
Veitch Jasmine
Velvet Spurge
Verity White Monkey Flower
Vossi Goldenchain Tree
Warminster Broom
Washington Thorn
Water Lily , Hardy & Tropical
Waxleaf Privet
Weeping Brown Sedge
Western Azalea
Western Bleeding Heart
Western Catalpa
Western Clarkia
Western Columbine
Western Dogwood
Western Fawn Lily
Western Meadow Rue
Western Redbud
Whirling Butterflies Gaura
White Alder, Western Alder
White Angel Crabapple
White Big-Leaf Hydrangea
White Blossom Ceanothus, Wild Lilac
White California Poppy
White Chinese Wisteria
White Cloud Coral Bells
White Daisy Yarrow
White Fawn Lily
White Fir
White Gaura
White Globe Mallow
White Meadowsweet
White Penstemon, Royal Beard Tongue
White Rockrose
White Rockrose
Willowleaf Cotoneaster
Windmill Palm
Winged Euonymus or Burning Bush
Wintergreen Barberry
Wisley Pink Sun Rose
Woodland or Garden Forget-Me-Not
Woods Compact Manzanita
Woolly Yarrow
Yankee Point California Lilac
Yellow Bush Spurge
Yellow Corydalis
Yellow Daylily
Yellow Dead Nettle
Yellow Lady Banks' Rose
Yellow Star Jasmine
Yellow Variegated Dogwood
Yellow Wood, Virgilia
Yew Pine
Zebra Grass