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Watering Guide
Attracts Butterflies
Anchor Bay Creeping Ceanothus
Annual Cosmos
Arabian Lilac
Arroyo Grande Lilac
Bitsy Yellow Daylily
Blue Blossom Ceanothus
Blue Mist
Blue Oak
Bur or Burr Oak, Mossycup Oak
Bush Cinquefoil
California Buckeye
California Buckwheat
California Coffeeberry
California Pink Island Yarrow
California Sycamore
Carmel Creeper
Catalina Cherry
Chaste Tree, Monk's Pepper Tree
Chinese Corydalis
Chinese Redbud
Clematis, large-flowered hybrids
Cloth of Gold Yarrow
Common Horsechestnut
Common Yarrow, Mifoil
Concha California Lilac
Coral Honeysuckle
Cutleaf Weeping Birch
Double Sunburst Coreopsis
Dr. Hurd Tree Manzanita
Dwarf Lily of the Nile
Early Sunrise Coreopsis
Eastern Redbud
Eastern Redbud
English Lavender
Gingerbread Man Daylily
Glore de Versailles Ceanothus
Glossy Abelia
Goodness Grows Veronica
Ground Cover Box Honeysuckle
Heidi Yarrow
Hidcote English Lavender
Indian Summer Gloriosa Daisy
Interior Live Oak
Jacquemontii Birch
Joyce Coulter California Lilac
Judith Daylily
Julia Phelps California Lilac
Ken Taylor Cushion Fremontia
Lady Elizabeth Daylily
Lady Lucille Daylily
Lance Coreopsis
Lavender Lady English Lavender
Lee Bea Orange Crush Daylily
Lemon Queen Sunflower
Licorice Mint
Lowfast Bearberry Cotoneaster
Lullaby Baby Daylily
Master Magician Daylily
Maul or Goldencup Oak, Canyon Live
Midnight Penstemon (dark purple)
Monarch Birch
Mother-of-Thyme, Creeping Thyme
Mountain Pennyroyal
Munstead Dwarf Lavender
Netleaf Hackberry
Oklahoma Redbud
Orange Crush Daylily
Orange King Daylily
Otto Quast Spanish Lavender
Owlswood Blue Ceanothus
Pandora's Box Daylily
Perennial Blanket Flower
Pin Oak or Spanish Oak, Swamp Oak
Pincushion Flower
Pink Gaura
Point Reyes Creeper
Prairie Verbena, Sandpaper V.
Privet Honeysuckle
Purple Carpet Creeping Thyme
Purple Japanese Honeysuckle
Purple Pacific Coast Iris
Purple Showers Viola, Tuffed Pansy
Purple Wallflower
Purple-Leaf European Birch
Ray Hartman California Lilac
Red Oak, Northern Red Oak
River Birch, Black or Red Birch
Rosamond Lobelia
Rose Cherub Daylily
Rose Red Stone Crop
Scarlet Oak
Shortwood Summer Phlox
Shumard Red Oak
Southern Live Oak
Sue Booth Daylily
Sulfur Flower Buckwheat
Summer Coreopsis
Summer Lilac
Sweet Mock Orange
Sweet Violet, English Violet
Tanbark Oak, Tan Oak
Tatarian Honeysuckle
Tequila Sunrise Sage
The King Summer Phlox
Tiny Pumpkin Daylily
Valley Oak, Calif. White Oak, Roble
Victor Reiter Thyme
Violet Silverleaf
Walther Funcke Yarrow
Western Azalea
Western Redbud
White Birch, European White Birch
White Daisy Yarrow
Woodland or Garden Forget-Me-Not
Yankee Point California Lilac
Yellow Daylily